Webcoric Flag 3 |
Flag Meaning: connection to webcore nonbinary identities neurodivergency binary identities interest/love of computers/the internet |
Webcoric Flag 2 |
Flag Meaning: connection to webcore nonbinary identities neurodivergency binary identities interest/love of computers/the internet |
Webcoric Flag 1 |
Flag Meaning: connection to webcore nonbinary identities neurodivergency binary identities interest/love of computers/the internet |
Name(s) and Definition(s)
Coin and Recoin Definitions
Webcoric also known as Webgender is an Aesthetigender "for when you have a strong connection to webcore!"1
Coining History
Webcoric was coined on September 26, 2020, by Twitter user gloobub.2
Flag and Symbol History
The recoin flags were made by Twitter user gloobub on September 26, 2020.3 One of these flags, along with a version with the symbol on it, was credited to LGBTA Wiki user Pride-Flags by Bluesprucedude on the same wiki, with them being said to have been made on March 25, 2021.4 It is unknown where this misinformation came from.
The symbol was made by LGBTA Wiki user Pride-Flags on March 25, 2021,5 likely with heavy inspiration from the emblem on the term's third recoin flag.
The etymology of Webcoric was never posted.
Suggested Pronouns
- web/webs/webself
- com/computer/computerself
- pix/pixel/pixelself
- .exe/.exes/.exeself
- anything computer/internet related!!6
Related Genders
This gender doesn't have any subsets
Similar or Otherwise Related Genders
Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)
Original Webcoric Flag 1 |
Flag Meaning: connection to webcore nonbinary identities neurodivergency binary identities interest/love of computers/the internet |
Original Webcoric Flag 2 |
Flag Meaning: connection to webcore nonbinary identities neurodivergency binary identities interest/love of computers/the internet |
Original Webcoric Flag 3 |
Flag Meaning: connection to webcore nonbinary identities neurodivergency binary identities interest/love of computers/the internet |