Technogender (umbrella term)

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Technogender is an umbrella term defined as "when you may or may not have gendered feelings, but either way you feel a stronger connection with technology as part of your gender experience than you do with any other existing genders
can be used as a standalone term (“I am technogender”), as a prefix (technoboy, technogirl, technoenby, etc), or as an additive on another gender experience even (“ai is a technogender demiboy”)
(and maybe use a hollowed out version of the USB trident in place of the mars or venus or whatever symbols?)
i coined this with my fellow techkin in mind but if it fits you and you’re not, you’re still welcome to use it,"1

It was redefined as "technogender means feeling a strong connection with technology as part of your gender experience. it can be used as a standalone term (“I am technogender”), as a prefix (technoboy, technogirl, technononbinary, etc.), or as an adjective (ex: technogender demiboy)."2

It was redefined again as "a xenogender in which someone feels their gender is connected to some form of technology. It may be used as an umbrella term, or as someone's gender entirely."3

It was redefined a third time as "a xenogender in which someone feels their gender is connected to some form of technology. It may be used as an umbrella term, or as someone's gender entirely. Other definitions may include, "Described as one who is only comfortable with one’s own gender when using technology, usually because of social anxiety." Not to be confused with Technogender (Music)."4


Coining History

Technogender was coined on September 9, 2014, by Tumblr user Enboid (now Lickthatbattery).5

It was redefined on June 8, 2020, by Tumblr user Lickthatbattery (the original coiner- formerly Enboid).6

It was redefined again on November 21, 2020, by LGBTA Wiki user Dandioshi.7

It was redefined the third time later that same day by the same LGBTA Wiki user.8

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Technogendered on July 4, 2016.9

The first redesign was made by Tumblr user En8y on August 8, 2019.10

The second redesigns were made by Tumblr user Lickthatbattery (the original coiner- formerly Enboid) on June 8, 2020.11

The third redesign was made by Tumblr blog Rando-Pride-Flags on January 22, 2021.12

As of January 13, 2022, Technogender doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Technogender was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

Technogender doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders

See Also



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


First Redesign

First Technogender Redesign
Image Unavailable
Flag meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Second Redesigns

Second Technogender Redesign 1
Image Unavailable
Flag meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Second Technogender Redesign 2
Image Unavailable
Flag meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Third Redesign

Third Technogender Redesign
Image Unavailable
Flag meaning: Unknown or nonexistent
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