Spookcoric Flag |
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Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent |
Name(s) and Definition(s)
Spookcoric is an Actiogender, Aesthetigender, Festivusgender, Mythogender, Occurrigender, and Qualigender defined as "Hallowgender is described as an aesthetigender related to the fun and silly parts of Halloween, such as dressing up, trick-or-treating, and costume parties. It is the opposite of Halloweencoric.
while Halloweencoric is a coric xenogender where the person with this identity feels very connected to Halloween and its aesthetic. It involves the person not feeling fully human and somewhat "spooky" in their sense of self. Anyone can identify as Halloweencoric and it is not limited to neurodivergent people, but was made with them in mind as it relates to a different sense of self.
spookcoric ecompasses the feeling of both, feeling connected to both the silly and fun part of halloween as well as the feeling of not being fully human and the connection to magic and the darker side of halloween."1
Coining History
Spookcoric was coined on September 28, 2021, by a now deleted Reddit user.2
Flag and Symbol History
The flag was made by a now deleted Reddit user on September 28, 2021.3
As of June 12, 2022, Spookcoric doesn't have a symbol.
The etymology of Spookcoric was never posted
Suggested Pronouns
Spookcoric doesn't have any suggested pronouns.
Related Genders
This gender doesn't have any subsets
Similar or Otherwise Related Genders
Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)
Original Spookcoric Flag |
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Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent |