
What are Sevenfoldgenders?

A Sevenfoldgender is any gender related to Avenged Sevenfold in some way. For the exact definition, see Sevenfoldgender

List of Sevenfoldgenders


Sevenfoldgender Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The flags are inspired by my associations with the vibe and aesthetic of the Avenged Sevenfold

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Sevenfoldgender also known as A7xgender and 7xgender is an umbrella term defined as "A gender/umbrella term for genders related to Avenged Sevenfold in any way"1


Coining History

Sevenfoldgender was coined on November 23, 2022, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on November 23, 2022.3

As of February 26, 2023, Sevenfoldgender doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Sevenfoldgender was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

Sevenfoldgender doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders

See Also



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Sevenfoldgender Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The flags are inspired by my associations with the vibe and aesthetic of the Avenged Sevenfold

Sevenotcoverica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are inspired by the Sevenfoldgender and Slipknotgender flags

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Sevenotcoverica is a Musicagender, Sevenfoldgender, and Slipknotgender defined as "A gender related to (atm nonexistent) Avenged Sevenfold covers of Slipknot songs"1


Coining History

Sevenotcoverica was coined on August 29, 2023, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on August 29, 2023.3

As of October 28, 2023, Sevenotcoverica doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Sevenotcoverica was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

Sevenotcoverica doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Sevenotcoverica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are inspired by the Sevenfoldgender and Slipknotgender flags

Shadowsung Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The flag colors are inspired by my associations with M. Shadows

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Shadowsung also known as Shadowssung, MShadowsung, and MShadowssung is a Musicagender, Qualigender, and Sevenfoldgender defined as "A genders that is sung by M. Shadows"1


Coining History

Shadowsung was coined on December 21, 2021, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on December 21, 2021.3

As of May 1, 2023, Shadowsung doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Shadowsung was never posted

Suggested Pronouns

Shadowsung doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Shadowsung Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The flag colors are inspired by my associations with M. Shadows

Sidplaylin Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Flag colors are inspired by my associations with the vibe of the playlist

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Sidplaylin is an Aerosmithgender, FFgender, Greendaygender, Metallicagender, Musicagender, MyChemancegender, Nirvanagender, N'rosesgender, Sevenfoldgender, and Slipknotgender defined as "A gender related to a playlist made up of Everlong, Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold, Enter Sandman, Psychosocial, Sweet Child O’ Mine, Lithium, Aerials, Duality by Slipknot, House of Wolves, This Is How I Disappear, The Sharpest Lives, Comfortably Numb, November Rain, (Don’t Fear) The Reaper, Viva la Gloria!, Letterbomb, Extraordinary Girl, She’s a Rebel, Give Me Novacaine, The Foundations of Decay, Famous Last Words, Kill All Your Friends, Dream On, and 21 Guns."1


Coining History

Sidplaylin was coined on October 6, 2022, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on October 6, 2022.3

As of March 26, 2023, Sidplaylin doesn't have a symbol.


"The name comes from the friend of mine who made this playlist"4

Suggested Pronouns

Sidplaylin doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Sidplaylin Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Flag colors are inspired by my associations with the vibe of the playlist

Slipenfoldcoverica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are inspired by the Sevenfoldgender and Slipknotgender flags

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Slipenfoldcoverica is a Musicagender, Sevenfoldgender, and Slipknotgender defined as "A gender related to (atm nonexistent) Slipknot covers of Avenged Sevenfold songs"1


Coining History

Slipenfoldcoverica was coined on September 1, 2023, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on September 1, 2023.3

As of October 28, 2023, Slipenfoldcoverica doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Slipenfoldcoverica was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

Slipenfoldcoverica doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Slipenfoldcoverica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are inspired by the Sevenfoldgender and Slipknotgender flags

SoFarAwayica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are inspired by my associations with the related song

Name(s) and Definition(s)

SoFarAwayica is a Musicagender and Sevenfoldgender defined as "A gender related to the A7x song So Far Away"1


Coining History

SoFarAwayica was coined on September 19, 2023, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on September 19, 2023.3

As of October 25, 2023, SoFarAwayica doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of SoFarAwayica was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

SoFarAwayica doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original SoFarAwayica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are inspired by my associations with the related song

Tonighdiesica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are inspired by my associations with the related song

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Tonighdiesica also known as TonightDisica is a Musicagender and Sevenfoldgender defined as "A gender related to the A7x song Tonight the World Dies"1


Coining History

Tonighdiesica was coined on September 19, 2023, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on September 19, 2023.3

As of October 25, 2023, Tonighdiesica doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Tonighdiesica was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

Tonighdiesica doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Tonighdiesica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are inspired by my associations with the related song

TragiFatelyrica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The flags are inspired by my associations with the related lyrics

Name(s) and Definition(s)

TragiFatelyrica is a Linguistingender, Musicagender, and Sevenfoldgender defined as "A gender related to the lyrics β€œYour tragic fate is looking so clear”"1


Coining History

TragiFatelyrica was coined on November 23, 2022, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on November 23, 2022.3

As of November 28, 2022, TragiFatelyrica doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of TragiFatelyrica was never posted

Suggested Pronouns

TragiFatelyrica doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original TragiFatelyrica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The flags are inspired by my associations with the related lyrics

Victimica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are inspired by my associations with the related song

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Victimica is a Musicagender and Sevenfoldgender defined as "A gender related to the A7x song Victim"1


Coining and Definition History

Victimica was coined on August 21, 2023, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flags were made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on August 21, 2023.3

As of October 28, 2023, Victimica doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Victimica was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

Victimica doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Victimica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are inspired by my associations with the related song

38 active pages.

Specific Kinds of Sevenfoldgenders

All Nightmare(Avenged Sevenfold) Genders

13 pages.

All The Stage Genders

4 pages.

A Little Piece of Heaven Sevenfoldgenders

4 pages.

Lyric Sevenfoldgenders

8 pages.

Lyrica Sevenfoldgenders

7 pages.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License