Puffystickercoric Flag 2 |
Flag Meaning: flag colours have no meanings, but are what i associate with the described aesthetic / themes. |
Puffystickercoric Flag 1 |
Flag Meaning: flag colours have no meanings, but are what i associate with the described aesthetic / themes. |
Name(s) and Definition(s)
Puffystickercoric is an Aesthetigender, Artistiangender, Colorgender, Fictigender, Objegender, and Osogender defined as "a coric xenogender mainly connected to the aesthetic of puffy stickers or stickers in general. it also includes relating to colouring books, playfulness, kidcore, sanrio, bright colours, or anything that relates the that ! it is not aligned to anything."1
Coining History
Puffystickercoric was coined on April 17, 2022, by Tumblr user Portalwands.2
Flag and Symbol History
The flag was made by Tumblr user Portalwands on April 17, 2022.3
As of June 11, 2022, Puffystickercoric doesn't have a symbol.
The etymology of Puffystickercoric was never posted
Suggested Pronouns
- puff/puffs
- stick/sticker
- colour/colours
- play/plays
- bright/brights[[footnote]] [https://archive.ph/8gNcR#selection-565.2-589.16
Related Genders
This gender doesn't have any subsets
Similar or Otherwise Related Genders
Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)
Original Puffystickercoric Flag 1 |
Flag Meaning: flag colours have no meanings, but are what i associate with the described aesthetic / themes. |
Original Puffystickercoric Flag 2 |
Flag Meaning: flag colours have no meanings, but are what i associate with the described aesthetic / themes. |