Prin System

Prin System Flag Template
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent


The Prin System is a system of various types of genders that are related to prinhood, prin aesthetics, and nonbinary masculinity.


The Prin System was coined on January 9, 2022, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.1 It first had terms coined in it later the same date by the same user.2

The Flags

The Prin System is one of few MOGAI gender systems to not only have a flag format but to have certain stripes of that format always be the same color. This format is three horizontal brown stripes at the top, getting lighter the further they go down, one stripe that can be any color, a thicker, light brown, middle stripe, and three bottom stripes that can be any other color or colors. The procreate template for the flags was posted to Deviant-Art on April 12, 2021.3

While the Deviant-Art post and the majority of the Prin System posts don't include a color meaning for the pre-set stripes, a number of the original posts for the Prin System did, alongside providing them for the changing stripes.


While there is very little connection between the names of genders within the Prin System, there is one rule and one commonality. Every gender within the Prin System is prefixed with Prin-, ex. Prinaesthetic, and a number of these terms end with ic so the suffix for these terms can be used as the prefix for the term's Princess System and Princex System counterparts.

The Terms

To see all the terms in the Prin System, see Prin System Genders

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