This page has a content warning for mentions of sexual things/topics For anyone sensitive to these things, the other pages are free of any similar content.
Name(s) and Definition(s)
Persdomaffic Presentation is a Corpumgender, Instauragender, Jewellegender, Objegender, Sexuogender, Tattoogender, and Vestitigender defined as "a gender related to many things in a few different categories. These are:
Hair: tied back
Clothing/Jewelry: His/Hers/Theirs/etc. chokers Chokers in general Padlock earrings Heart earrings Matching rings Chainless bondage cuffs as bracelets His/Hers/Theirs/etc. t-shirts/crop tops Chain necklaces Chain bracelets Heart t-shirts/crop tops Dom’s clothes Somewhat oversized clothes Neckties without suits Pants with chains on them
Makeup: Makeup in dom’s favorite color(s) Red blush Lipstick with a heart in the middle
Color Contacts: Pink/red/magenta with heart-shaped pupils
Misc: His/Hers/Theirs/etc. tattoos (fake or otherwise) Heart tattoos (fake or otherwise) Tattoos with dom’s name (fake or otherwise) Nail polish in dom’s favorite color(s)"1
Coining History
This gender was originally posted as a list of presentation ideas for the gender Persdomaffic on July 26, 2022, by Tumblr user Page-2-ids.2 It was turned into or misinterpreted as a gender by LGBTA Wiki user Xeno Bemo on July 27, 2022.3
Flag and Symbol History
As of May 28, 2023, Persdomaffic Presentation doesn't have a flag.
As of May 28, 2023, Persdomaffic Presentation doesn't have a symbol.
The etymology of Persdomaffic Presentation was never posted.
Suggested Pronouns
Persdomaffic Presentation doesn't have any suggested pronouns.
Related Genders
This gender doesn't have any subsets