Objegender Flag |
Flag Meaning: I just used a variety of colors, since objects come in a lot of colors. |
Name(s) and Definition(s)
Objegender also known as Objectigender is an umbrella term defined as "a gender related to one or more objects. Other umbrella terms can be used where more applicable (like Instauragender for a makeup brush) or it can be used alongside other umbrellas as you see fit."1
Coining History
Objegender was coined on May 12, 2022, by Tumblr user Chaos-Coining.2
Flag and Symbol History
The flag was made by Tumblr user Chaos-Coining on May 12, 2022.3
As of May 14, 2022, Objegender doesn't have a symbol.
The etymology of Objegender was never posted
Suggested Pronouns
Objegender doesn't have any suggested pronouns.
Related Genders
This gender doesn't have any subsets
Similar or Otherwise Related Genders
See also
Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)
Original Objegender Flag |
Flag Meaning: I just used a variety of colors, since objects come in a lot of colors. |