See Also
Backroomgender(1) | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Backroomgender also known as Backroomic, Backroominine, and Backroominian is an Affectagender, Feeligender, and Intangigender defined as "I don't know if you know the image called "the backrooms", but my gender relates to that. Because that image gives me a weird feeling of nostalgia and fear at the same time."1 HistoryCoining and Definition HistoryBackroomgender was coined on July 31, 2019, by an anonymous individual via Tumblr blog Beyond-MOGAI-Pride-Flags.2 The term was named by one of the mods from the blog. Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr blog Rando-Pride-Flags on April 28, 2022.3 As of June 8, 2022, Backroomgender doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Backroomgender was never posted. Suggested PronounsBackroomgender doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets. Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Costumenostalgical | |||||||||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Costumenostalgical is an Affectagender and Vestitigender defined as "A gender relating to Halloween costumes and nostalgia"1 HistoryCoining HistoryCostumenostalgical was coined on November 30, 2023, by Felix and Husk Tumblr blog 404-Coining.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr blog 404-Coining on November 30, 2023.3 As of December 1, 2023, Costumenostalgical doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Costumenostalgical was never posted Suggested PronounsCostumenostalgical doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets. Similar or Otherwise Related GendersN/A GalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
-nostic | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)-nostic is an Affectagender and Feeligender suffix defined as "a potential prefix [sic] for genders related to happy nostalgia!"1 It was redefined as "a suffix used for xenogenders relating to nostalgia."2 HistoryCoining History-nostic was coined on August 10, 2021, by Tumblr user MOGAI-Sunflowers.3 It was redefined on June 18, 2022, by LGBTA Wiki user Xinaphoria.4 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by LGBTA Wiki user Xinaphoria on June 18, 2022.5 As of June 27, 2022, -nostic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of -nostic was never posted Suggested Pronouns-nostic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersN/A See AlsoNon-True Nostic Genders GalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Paradigender | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Paradigender is an Affectagender, Colorgender, Corpumgender, Feeligender, Musicagender, MyChemancegender, Objegender, Personagender, and Simigender defined as "based off mcr albums1 A gender that feels cheerfully nihilistic, joyful and overwhelming. Feels like bass that you can feel in your heart, nostalgia that leaves you wondering where it all went, understimulation where you turn the volume all the way to 100%. Skulls and fractured bones, overexposed photopgraphs, blood splattered on clean white tile, greys and whites and bluish greys."2 Given the term's name, flag colors, and place listed in the post (third), it's most likely based on the album The Black Parade. HistoryCoining and Definition HistoryParadigender was coined on September 13, 2019, by now deleted Tumblr user Divinediamour.3 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flags were made by now deleted Tumblr user Divinediamour on September 13, 2019.4 As of June 10, 2022, Paradigender doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Paradigender was never posted. Suggested PronounsParadigender doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
album bass blood blood-splattered-tile blue-grey bone cheerfully-nihilistic clean-tile color colorgender cool-color corpumgender divinediamour emo-music esmogender feeligender fractured-bone gender grey grey-color hard-rock hyperspec joyful mcr musicagender mychemancegender nihilistic nostalgia objegender overexposed-photograph overwhelming personagender photograph pop pop-punk prog-rock punk punk-music punk-rock rock-music skull tile understimulation white white-color white-tile |
4 active pages.