Musica Genders

See Also

Ica Genders
Ical Genders


Name(s) and Definition(s)

-musica is a Musicagender suffix defined as "a suffix specifically for musicagenders"1


Coining and Definition History

-Musica was coined on November 19, 2020, by Tumblr user Genderstalgia.2

Flag and Symbol History

As of March 9, 2023, -musica doesn't have a flag.

As of March 9, 2023, -musica doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of -musica was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

-musica doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets.

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders

See Also


MyChemGender Flag 3
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown known or nonexistent

MyChemGender Flag 2
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown known or nonexistent

MyChemGender Flag 1
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown known or nonexistent

Name(s) and Definition(s)

MyChemGender also known as MyChemMusica is a Musicagender and MyChemancegender defined as "A musicagender defined by one’s gender being related to or being the band My Chemical Romance/their music."1


Coining History

MyChemGender was coined on May 31, 2023, by Tumblr user Parxgender.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Parxgender on May 31, 2023.3

As of June 4, 2023, MyChemGender doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of MyChemGender was never posted

Suggested Pronouns

MyChemGender doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original MyChemGender Flag 1
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown known or nonexistent

Original MyChemGender Flag 2
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown known or nonexistent

Original MyChemGender Flag 3
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown known or nonexistent

Rurumusica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are mostly inspired by the cover of the album the song is from

This page has a content warning for mentions of suicide For anyone sensitive to these things, the other pages are free of any similar content.

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Rurumusica is a Kamattegender and Musicagender defined as "A gender related to the Shinsei Kamattechan song Ruru’s Suicide Show on a Livestream"1


Coining History

Rurumusica was coined on February 7 2022, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on February 7 2022.3

As of April 9, 2023, Rurumusica doesn't have a symbol.


"The colors are mostly inspired by the cover of the album the song is from."4

Suggested Pronouns

Rurumusica doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Rurumusica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are mostly inspired by the cover of the album the song is from

SCAPEG∞ATmusica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Flag colours are based off the song’s PV!

Name(s) and Definition(s)

SCAPEG∞ATmusica also known as SCAPEGOATmusica is a Musicagender defined as "A -musica gender connected to the song SCAPEG∞AT (SCAPEGOAT) by GHOST"1


Coining History

SCAPEG∞ATmusica was coined on December 30, 2022, by Tumblr user Labzer0.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Labzer0 on December 30, 2022.3

As of January 4, 2023, SCAPEG∞ATmusica doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of SCAPEG∞ATmusica was never posted

Suggested Pronouns

SCAPEG∞ATmusica doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original SCAPEG∞ATmusica Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Flag colours are based off the song’s PV!

4 active pages.

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