Meliusgender Flag 2 |
Flag Meaning: Women Animals Weather/seasons All other types of concepts Nature Abstract concepts Men |
Meliusgender Flag 1 |
Flag Meaning: Women Animals Weather/seasons All other types of concepts Nature Abstract concepts Men |
Name(s) and Definition(s)
Meliusgender is a Xenogender defined as "a gender identity that is similar to xenogender, but for people within the Binary Genders that feel like their gender can be explained better by animals, concepts, plants, ect."1
It was redefined as "a gender identity that is similar to xenogender, but for people within the binary Genders that feel like their gender can be explained better by animals, concepts, plants, ect. One with this gender identity does not typically identify fully as a xenic gender, as they still feel connected from binary terms more than the xenic genders they relate to."2
It was redefined again as "a gender identity that is similar to xenogender, but for people within the binary genders that feel like their gender can be explained better by animals, concepts, plants, ect. One with this gender identity does not typically identify fully as a xenic gender, as they still feel connected from binary terms more than the xenic genders they relate to.
For example, a meliusman may say their masculinity is best defined through an ocean, while still identifying fully as a man, while an [sic] neptunun-man puts the ocean aspect of their gender before or at the same level of the manhood they feel"3
Coining History
Meliusgender was coined on March 22, 2021, by LGBTA Wiki user CasuallyValid.4
It was redefined on March 22, 2021, by a user of the LGBTA Wiki account Cryptocerw.5
It was redefined again later the same day, by a user of the LGBTA Wiki account Cryptocerw.6
Flag and Symbol History
The flags were made by LGBTA Wiki user CasuallyValid on March 22, 2021.7
As of April 3, 2023, Meliusgender doesn't have a symbol.
The etymology of Meliusgender was never posted
Suggested Pronouns
Meliusgender doesn't have any suggested pronouns.
Related Genders
This gender doesn't have any subsets.
Similar or Otherwise Related Genders
Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)
Original Meliusgender Flag 1 |
Flag Meaning: Women Animals Weather/seasons All other types of concepts Nature Abstract concepts Men |
Original Meliusgender Flag 2 |
Flag Meaning: Women Animals Weather/seasons All other types of concepts Nature Abstract concepts Men |