Name(s) and Definition(s)
Kenopsiacore also known as Kenocore and Kenopsicore is a Kenochoric Aesthetigender, Colorgender, Feeligender, Fictigender, Horrorigender, and Locatiogender defined as "a gender related to many things in a few different categories. These are:
Values: Abandoned spaces, Eeriness, Uncanny atmosphere, Kenopsia
Aesthetics: Liminalcore, Liminal Space/Liminality
Colors: General dark colors, General dim colors, General dusty colors, Dark cool colors
Visuals: Abandoned spaces, Empty public spaces, Dark places, Empty malls, Schools at night, Liminal spaces
Media: 28 Days Later, The Left Overs"1
Coining and Definition History
Kenopsiacore was coined as an aesthetic on June 7, 2022, by Tumblr blog Aesthetic-Coiners.2 It was turned into or misinterpreted as a gender by LGBTA Wiki user Xeno Bemo on July 1, 2022.3
Flag and Symbol History
As of July 1, 2022, Kenopsiacore doesn't have a flag.
As of July 1, 2022, Kenopsiacore doesn't have a symbol.
The etymology of Kenopsiacore was never posted
Suggested Pronouns
Kenopsiacore doesn't have any suggested pronouns.
Related Genders
This gender doesn't have any subsets