
What are Instauragenders?

An Instauragender is any gender related to makeup, makeup packeging, etc.. For the exact definition, see Instauragender

List of Instauragenders


Name(s) and Definition(s)

Rosequartzcoric is an Aesthetigender, Instauragender, and Objegender defined as "A gender related to quartz, rose quartz, pastel pink, blush, gemcore, and pink glass"1


Coining History

Rosequartzcoric coined on May 25, 2022, by Tumblr user MOGAI-Fantasy.2

Flag and Symbol History

As of July 10, 2022, Rosequartzcoric doesn't have a flag.

As of July 10, 2022, Rosequartzcoric doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Rosequartzcoric was never posted

Suggested Pronouns

Rosequartzcoric doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Rosinstaura Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Rosinstaura is an Instauragender defined as "An Instauragender related to blush in a general sense."1


Coining and Definition History

Rosinstaura was coined on March 21, 2021, by Mod Hader at Tumblr blog MOGAI-Monarchs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Mod Hader at Tumblr blog MOGAI-Monarchs on March 21, 2021.3

As of June 12, 2022, Rosinstaura doesn't have a symbol.


"โ€œRosโ€ from โ€œRoseaโ€ the Latin word for pink and โ€œInstauraโ€ the Latin word for makeup"4

Suggested Pronouns

Rosinstaura doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Rosinstaura Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent
Royalogy Presentation

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Royalogy Presentation is a Corpumgender, Instauragender, Jewellegender, Objegender, Tattoogender, and Vestitigender defined as "a gender related to many things in a few different categories. These are:
Hair: No specific length Black (dyed or otherwise) Brightly colored streaks/highlights/etc. - especially in purple, pink, magenta, gold, yellow, green, and/or cyan
Clothing/Jewelry: Rose/Rosy cross necklaces Rose/Rosy cross t-shirts Cross necklaces Long, dark cloaks (especially in purple, red, magenta, blue, or forest green) Black rings Gold rings Black boots Dark gloves (especially in red, black, purple, or blue) Dark shirts Dark pants Gold necklaces Pyramid rings Pyramid necklaces Thick black chokers Gold crowns Dark staffs
Makeup: Makeup in domโ€™s favorite color(s) Top lid gel eyeliner in (possibly dark) purple, (possibly dark) pink, (possibly dark) magenta, red, dark green, dark blue, or black Bottom lid gel eyeliner in purple, pink, gold, yellow, green, cyan, or bright/light blue Purple, blue, black, or dark red lipstick Glittery/shimmery eyeshadow Fake eyelashes with glitter Purple, blue, black, green, red, pink, magenta, gold, yellow, and/or cyan eyeshadow Pink or magenta blush Dark mascara
Color Contacts: Purple, pink, magenta, gold, yellow, green, and/or cyan
Misc: His/Hers/Theirs/etc. tattoos (fake or otherwise) Rose/Rosy cross tattoos (fake or otherwise) Dark nail polish (especially in purple, pink, red, magenta, blue, or green) Nail polish with pyramid designs "1


Coining History

This gender was originally posted as a list of presentation ideas for the gender Royalogy on July 26, 2022, by Tumblr user Page-2-ids.2 It was turned into or misinterpreted as a gender by LGBTA Wiki user Xeno Bemo on July 27, 2022.3

Flag and Symbol History

As of May 28, 2023, Royalogy Presentation doesn't have a flag.

As of May 28, 2023, Royalogy Presentation doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Royalogy Presentation was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

Royalogy Presentation doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Stataura Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Stataura is an Instauragender and Qualigender defined as "A clear, final, and set gender related to setting spray and translucent setting powder."1


Coining and Definition History

Stataura was coined on March 24, 2021, by Mod Chopper at Tumblr blog MOGAI-Monarchs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Mod Chopper at Tumblr blog MOGAI-Monarchs on March 24, 2021.3

As of June 12, 2022, Stataura doesn't have a symbol.


"Staโ€ from โ€œStatutoโ€ the Latin word for set and โ€œTauraโ€ from โ€œInstaura [sic] the latin word for makeup"4

Suggested Pronouns

Stataura doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Stataura Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Twofadultium Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Dark blue relates to darker colored sexual/seductive aesthetics
Dark purple relates to sexual/seductive aesthetics in general and Two Facedโ€™s products
Dark magenta relates to the mix between seductive aesthetics and more cutesy aesthetics and Two Facedโ€™s โ€˜thingโ€™ with have more sexually named products with somewhat cutesy packaging
Light pink relates to cutesy aesthetics

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Twofadultium is an Aesthetigender, Colorgender, Instauragender, and Sexuogender defined as "A gender related to the more โ€œadultโ€ side of Two Faced Cosmeticsโ€™ products. Itโ€™s related to somewhat sexual and seductive aesthetics, with that being somewhat undercut by its relation to more cutesy things, similar to Two Faced and some if the packaging of its adult-aimed products; those โ€˜cutesyโ€™ things are light pink, cutecore, and hearts."1


Coining and Definition History

Twofadultium was coined on May 27, 2021, by Tumblr user Page-2-Ids.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-Ids on May 27, 2021.3

As of June 12, 2022, Twofadultium doesn't have a symbol.


"The name is from โ€œTwo f(a)โ€ from Two Faced, Adult, and the suffix -ium."4

Suggested Pronouns

  • Adul/Adult/Adul/Aduls/Adultself
  • Adul/Adult/Adult/Adults/Adultself
  • Adul/Adult/Adults/Adults/Adultself
  • Cue/Cute/Cute/Cutes/Cuteself
  • Cue/Cute/Cutes/Cutes/Cuteself
  • Hea/Hear/Hear/Hears/Heartself
  • Hea/Heart/Hear/Hears/Heartself
  • Pin/Pink/Pink/Pinks/Pinkself
  • Pin/Pink/Pinks/Pinks/Pinkself
  • Pink/Pink/Pinks/Pinks/Pinkself
  • Seduct/Seductive/Seductive/Seductives/Seductiveself
  • Seduct/Seductive/Seductives/Seductives/Seductiveself
  • ๐Ÿ’/๐Ÿ’/๐Ÿ’s/๐Ÿ’s/๐Ÿ’self
  • ๐Ÿ’–/๐Ÿ’–/๐Ÿ’–s/๐Ÿ’–s/๐Ÿ’–self
  • ๐Ÿ’„/๐Ÿ’„/๐Ÿ’„s/๐Ÿ’„s/๐Ÿ’„self
  • ๐Ÿ’˜/๐Ÿ’˜/๐Ÿ’˜s/๐Ÿ’˜s/๐Ÿ’˜self
  • ๐Ÿ’•/๐Ÿ’•/๐Ÿ’•s/๐Ÿ’•s/๐Ÿ’•self
  • โค/โค/โคs/โคs/โคself
  • โฃ/โฃ/โฃs/โฃs/โฃself
  • ๐Ÿ’“/๐Ÿ’“/๐Ÿ’“s/๐Ÿ’“s/๐Ÿ’“self
  • ๐Ÿ’ž/๐Ÿ’ž/๐Ÿ’žs/๐Ÿ’žs/๐Ÿ’žself
  • ๐Ÿฅต/๐Ÿฅต/๐Ÿฅตs/๐Ÿฅตs/๐Ÿฅตself
  • ๐Ÿ’‹/๐Ÿ’‹/๐Ÿ’‹s/๐Ÿ’‹s/๐Ÿ’‹self
  • ๐ŸŽ€/๐ŸŽ€/๐ŸŽ€s/๐ŸŽ€s/๐ŸŽ€self
  • โœจ/โœจ/โœจs/โœจs/โœจself
  • ๐Ÿ‘/๐Ÿ‘/๐Ÿ‘s/๐Ÿ‘s/๐Ÿ‘self
  • ๐ŸŒธ/๐ŸŒธ/๐ŸŒธs/๐ŸŒธs/๐ŸŒธself
  • ๐ŸŒบ/๐ŸŒบ/๐ŸŒบs/๐ŸŒบs/๐ŸŒบself
  • ๐ŸŒท/๐ŸŒท/๐ŸŒทs/๐ŸŒทs/๐ŸŒทself
  • ๐Ÿ’Ÿ/๐Ÿ’Ÿ/๐Ÿ’Ÿs/๐Ÿ’Ÿs/๐Ÿ’Ÿself
  • ๐Ÿ’Œ/๐Ÿ’Œ/๐Ÿ’Œs/๐Ÿ’Œs/๐Ÿ’Œself5

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Twofadultium Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Dark blue relates to darker colored sexual/seductive aesthetics
Dark purple relates to sexual/seductive aesthetics in general and Two Facedโ€™s products
Dark magenta relates to the mix between seductive aesthetics and more cutesy aesthetics and Two Facedโ€™s โ€˜thingโ€™ with have more sexually named products with somewhat cutesy packaging
Light pink relates to cutesy aesthetics

Vinorum Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Vinorum is a Corpumgender, Instauragender, and Objegender defined as "An Instauragender related to purple lipstick, eyebrow products, darker magenta blush, dark pink and purple eyeliner, purple color contacts, deep red lip-gloss, and dark pink, purple, and/or red dyed hair."1


Coining and Definition History

Vinorum was coined on March 25, 2021, by Mod Che at Tumblr blog MOGAI-Monarchs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Mod Che at Tumblr blog MOGAI-Monarchs on March 25, 2021.3

As of June 13, 2022, Vinorum doesn't have a symbol.


"โ€œVinโ€ from โ€œVinumโ€ the Latin word for wine and โ€œOrumโ€ from โ€œColorumโ€ the Latin word for colors"4

Suggested Pronouns

Vinorum doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Vinorum Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Yelloweyelinean Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Yelloweyelinean is an Instauragender defined as "a xenogender related to yellow eyeliner!"1


Coining and Definition History

Yelloweyelinean was coined on December 4, 2021, by Tumblr user Heyjadesprite.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Heyjadesprite on December 4, 2021.3

As of June 13, 2022, Yelloweyelinean doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Yelloweyelinean was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

Yelloweyelinean doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Yelloweyelinean Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent
page 5 of 5« previous12345

43 active pages.

Specific Kinds of Instauragenders

Blush Instauragenders

8 pages.

Colourpop Instauragenders

3 pages.

Eyeshadow Instauragenders

11 pages.

Palette Instauragenders

6 pages.

Eyeshadow Palette Instauragenders

6 pages.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License