In-Use Umbrella Terms

This page is a list of umbrella terms that we currently use to organize terms. For a full list of the umbrella terms, see Umbrella Terms


What are Neurogenders?

A Systemgender is any gender related to being a system, being specific kind of member in a system, etc. For the exact definition, see Systemgender.

While this does have a large overlap with Neurogenders, the number of genders related to non-traumagenic or non-neurogenic forms of systemhood, or to systemhood without the specification of being related to being either traumagenic or neurogenic leads to this needing to be its own category.

List of Neurogenders

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What are Tarotgenders?

A Tarotgender is any gender related to tarot. For the exact definition, see Tarotgender

List of Tarotgenders

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Specific Kinds of Tarotgenders

-arot Genders

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Taro- Genders

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What are Tattoogenders?

A Tattoogender is any gender related to tattoos. For the exact definition, see Tattoogender

List of Tattoogenders

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Specific Kinds of Tattoogender

Tatted Genders

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Tattic Genders

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Tattooed Genders

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What are Technogenders?

A Technogender is any gender related technology. For the exact definition, see Technogender

List of Technogenders

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Specific Kinds of Technogenders

Code Technogenders

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Binary Code Technogenders

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Coric Technogenders

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Emoji Technogenders

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Emoticon Technogenders

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Robot Technogenders

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Techrobai Genders

What are Techrobai Genders?

A Techrobai gender is a gender related to technology, cyberpunk, etc.. For the exact definition, see Techrobai

List of Techrobai Genders

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Tekneo Genders

What are Tekneo Genders?

A Tekneo gender is a gender related to technology, certain related colors, etc. in some way. For the exact definition, see Tekneo

List of Tekneo Genders

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What are Texturagenders?

A Texturagender is any gender related to the different textures, the texture of certain things, etc. For the exact definition, see Texturagender

List of Texturagenders

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What are Vehiculagenders?

A Vehiculagender is any gender related to one or more vehicles. For the exact definition, see Vehiculagender

List of Vehiculagenders

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Velocier Genders

What are Velocier Genders?

A Velocier gender is a gender related to motorcyles, speed, adrenaline, etc.. For the exact definition, see Velocier

List of Velocier Genders

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