Hotguyjeansic Flag |
Flag Meaning: The colors are inspired by the related outfit |
Name(s) and Definition(s)
Hotguyjeansic is an Instauragender, Jewellegender, and Vestitigender in the Outfit System defined as "A gender related to an outfit made of these parts:
- Black pencil eyeliner under the eyes
- A purple gem earring in the top left lobe piercing and a black rose earring with a white pearl in the middle in the bottom left lobe piercing
- A black star earring in the right lobe piercing
- A black and red Death Row Records t-shirt with the sleeves pushed up
- Dark blue jeans
- Black mid-thigh-high boots with lots of buckles
- An Alex & Ani scarab spoon ring on the left middle finger
- An Alex & Ani panther spoon ring on the right ring finger"1
Coining History
Hotguyjeansic was coined on August 9, 2022, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2
Flag and Symbol History
The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on August 9, 2022.3
As of August 13, 2022, Hotguyjeansic doesn't have a symbol.
The etymology of Hotguyjeansic was never posted
Suggested Pronouns
Hotguyjeansic doesn't have any suggested pronouns.
Related Genders
This gender doesn't have any subsets
Similar or Otherwise Related Genders
Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)
Original Hotguyjeansic Flag |
Flag Meaning: The colors are inspired by the related outfit |