
Genderwisp Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Genderwisp is a Fluiagender and Xenogender defined as "a type of genderfluidity that encompasses femininity, masculinity, neutrality, xenity, nullity, and epicenity. It encapsulates every type of gender element there is and is fluid between them all."1


Coining History

Genderwisp was coined on November 7, 2020, by now deleted Tumblr user The-Gender-Collector-Emself.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by the now deleted Tumblr user The-Gender-Collector-Emself on November 7, 2020.3

The redesigns were made by Tumblr user Rando-Pride-Flags on August 18, 2021.4

As of June 7, 2022, Genderwisp doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Genderwisp was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

Genderwisp doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Genderwisp Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent


Genderwisp Redesign 1
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Colors are meant to mirror colors used for all/most gender qualities and the format represents fluidity. The attempt to gradient between the colors is also meant to represent fluidity.
Red/pink is used to represent femaleness (red-tone) and femininity (pink-tone). In the left flag, red was lightened to resemble pink.
Orange/gold is used to represent xeninity (+nonbinary-ness in the left flag). In the left flag, orange was lightened and yellow toned to represent both xeninity and nonbinary-ness (to make up for the yellow being green-ish).
Yellow is used to represent xeninity (+agender-ness in the left flag). In the left flag, yellow was darkened to mirror a shade of green sometimes used to represent agender-ness.
Green is used to represent neutrality, nonbinary-ness, epcinity, and agender-ness.
Blue/indigo is used to represent male-ness and masculinity and the dark shade of it is used to represent nullinity/null-ness and void-ness.

Genderwisp Redesign 2
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Colors are meant to mirror colors used for all/most gender qualities and the format represents fluidity. The attempt to gradient between the colors is also meant to represent fluidity.
Red/pink is used to represent femaleness (red-tone) and femininity (pink-tone). In the right flag, magenta was darkened to resemble red.
Orange/gold is used to represent xeninity. In the right flag, orange is darkened and only represents xeninity.
Yellow is used to represent xeninity.
Green is used to represent neutrality, nonbinary-ness, epcinity, and agender-ness.
Blue/indigo is used to represent male-ness and masculinity (+androgynous-ness/androgyny and ambiguity in the right flag) and the dark shade of it is used to represent nullinity/null-ness and void-ness. In the right flag it was purple-toned to further darken it, better match the indigo/purple used in some flags for male/-vir genders, and to match the purple commonly used to represent androgynous-ness/androgyny and ambiguity.
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