What are Floragenders?
A Floragender is any gender related plants and fungus. For the exact definition, see Floragender
List of Floragenders
Yellowleafic | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Yellowleafic is a Floragender defined as "A floragender related to yellow leaves"1 HistoryCoining and Definition HistoryYellowleafic was coined on February 10, 2021, by Mod Chopper at Tumblr blog MOGAI-Monarchs.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Mod Chopper at Tumblr blog MOGAI-Monarchs on February 10, 2021.3 As of June 13, 2022, Yellowleafic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Yellowleafic was never posted. Suggested PronounsYellowleafic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related Genders
GalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Yellownaturetrippic | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Yellownaturetrippic is a Colorgender, Drogegender, Floragender, Locatiogender, and Naturengender defined as "A gender related to LSD, LSD trips, nature, yellow flowers, spring forests, and bright colors."1 HistoryCoining and Definition HistoryYellownaturetrippic was coined on August 8, 2021, by Tumblr user Page-2-Ids.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on August 8, 2021.3 As of June 13, 2022, Yellownaturetrippic doesn't have a symbol. Etymology"Yellow is a slang name for LSD, โnatureโ comes from nature, and -trippic is a suffix for genders related to drug trips"4 Suggested Pronouns
Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersN/A GalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Zerogender | ||||||||||||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Zerogender is an Arithmatisgender and Floragender defined as "a gender or group of genders nullified when combined with its/their respective antigender(s), leading to mutual self-destruction or a similar concept of nullifying, but leaving behind seeds of potential genderedness in a spore state that could one day bloom in either direction (original gender or anti/ungender) in either specific contexts or at random, and then return to the spore state, and possibly bloom in the opposite direction after another period of hibernation. Might or might not directly relate to the mathematical concepts of positive and negative numbers, or just be the dialectical answer to a given gender dichotomy. It was redefined as "a clash between one gender and its opposite that condenses into a neutral spore that can germinate in either direction"2 It was redefined again as "a gender or group of genders nullified when combined with its or their respective antigender or antigenders, leading to mutual self-destruction, or a similar concept of nullification, and leaving behind a neutral spore. Unlike with genderkrieg, the oppositional genders do not have to exist at the same time. The spore can one day germinate or bloom in either direction, either eugender or ungender, and then return to the spore state to germinate or bloom again in the opposite direction after another period of hibernation. Zerogender can also relate to the mathematical concepts of positive and negative numbers or otherwise be the dialectical answer to a given gender dichotomy."3 HistoryCoining and Definition HistoryZerogender was coined on June 17, 2018, by Tumblr user MOGAI-Ringo.4 It was redefined on October 14, 2020, by Tumblr user LGBTQIArchive.5 It was redefined again on May 17, 2021, by LGBTA Wiki user Bluesprucedude.6 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flags were made by either Tumblr user MOGAI-Ringo or Kau/ap at Tumblr blog Beyond-MOGAI-Pride-Flags/Tumblr user Arco-Pluris.7 The redesign was made by LGBTA Wiki user Cottagecorelesbian on November 20, 2020.8 As of June 13, 2022, Zerogender doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Zerogender was never posted Suggested PronounsZerogender doesn't have any suggested pronouns Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Zinnian | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Zinnian is a Floragender and Naturengender in the Fleurian System defined as "Zinnian is a gender in the Fleurian System, one of the four Nature Systems. It is centered around a core connection to nature and especially flowers, and also has a specific connection to zinnias. Zinnian people can have any alignment and/or no alignment, and depending on what alignment they have, they could use another term from the Fleurian System to describe their gender identity. For example, a zinnian person who is fiaspec could say that they're geleaic zinnian, from gelean."1 HistoryCoining HistoryZinnian was coined on March 3, 2021, by LGBTA Wiki user Reign of the breadsticcs.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by LGBTA Wiki user Reign of the breadsticcs on March 3, 2021.3 As of June 13, 2022, Zinnian doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Zinnian was never posted Suggested PronounsZinnian doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersN/A GalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Zombiesoft | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Zombiesoft is an Actiogender, Aesthetigender, Feeligender, Floragender, Goriagender, Mythogender, and Objegender defined as "When your gender experience with being a zombie/zombiekin/feeling undead is much softer and passive than the stereotypical. Has aspects of pastel/candy guro. It gives off feelings of soft coffin bedding, a calm drowsiness, bathing in the warm sun and sweet funeral flowers."1 HistoryCoining HistoryZombiesoft was coined on May 28, 2019, by Tumblr user Genderless-By-Design.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user Genderless-By-Design on May 28, 2019.3 As of June 13, 2022, Zombiesoft doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Zombiesoft was never posted Suggested PronounsZombiesoft doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersN/A GalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
actiogender aesthetic aesthetigender bedding calm-drowsiness candy-guro coffin-bedding drowsiness feeligender floragender flower funeral-flower gender genderless-by-design goriagender guro hyperspec mythogender objegender passive pastel-guro soft soft-bedding soft-coffin-bedding sun-bathing sweet-flower sweet-funeral-flower undead zombie zombiekin |
Zygomycotagender | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Zygomycotagender is a Floragender, Neurogender, and subset of Fungigender defined as "a Neurogender for when someones hyperfixation or specil [sic] intrest in zygomycota makes them want to incorperate it into their gender, or makes them feel like zygomycota conects to their gender is some way. It was redefined as "a Neurogender and a microlabel of Fungigender for when someones hyperfixation or special intrest in zygomycota makes them want to incorperate it into their gender, or makes them feel like zygomycota conects to their gender is some way. HistoryCoining and Definition HistoryZygomycotagender was coined on May 10, 2021, by LGBTA Wiki user StaticWren.3 It was redefined on May 10, 2021, by the same user.4 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by LGBTA Wiki user StaticWren on May 10, 2021.5 As of June 13, 2022, Zygomycotagender doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyZygomycotagender etymology was never posted. Suggested PronounsZygomycotagender doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersN/A GalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
177 active pages.
Specific Kinds of Floragenders
Coric Floragenders
27 pages.
Flower Floragenders
78 pages.
Rose Floragenders
14 pages.
Rosaen Genders
1 pages.
Sunflower Floragenders
4 pages.
Fungus Floragenders
11 pages.
Moss Floragenders
5 pages.
Mushroom Floragenders
13 pages.
Leaf Floragenders
9 pages.
Tree Floragenders
23 pages.