Flidfluff System
Flidfluff System Flag |
Flag meaning: Unknown or nonexistent |
The Flidfluff System is a subsystem of the Tavaline System made up of Artistiangenders, Fictigenders, Intangigenders, Objegenders, and Visivagenders related to old and childhood-related things.
It's described by the coiner as "a branch of The Tavaline System for a system that feel connected to old childhood memories, old stuffed animals and/or toys, old photos, old furniture, old drawing/paintings/art or old toys."1
The Flidfluff System and all of the terms within it were coined on October 11, 2021 by LGBTA Wiki user The piano cat on the wiki.2 The system's flag was created on the same date by the same user.
The Terms
To see all the terms within the Flidfluff System, see Flidfluff System Genders