
What are Feeligenders?

A Feeligender is any gender related to non emotion or tactile feelings, like tiredness. For the exact definition, see Feeligender

List of Feeligenders


00scorecomfic Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are all inspired by flags for other 00score-related genders!

Name(s) and Definition(s)

00scorecomfic is an Aesthetigender, Comfortigender, and Feeligender defined as "A gender related to 00score being one’s comfort aesthetic"1


Coining History

00scorecomfic was coined on June 28, 2022, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on July 2, 2022.3

As of July 11, 2022, 00scorecomfic doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of 00scorecomfic was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

00scorecomfic doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original 00scorecomfic Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: The colors are all inspired by flags for other 00score-related genders!

60fps+gender Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Name(s) and Definition(s)

60fps+gender is a Feeligender and Gamegender (as well as a Simigender in the first, second, and third redefinitions) defined as "a term for a xenogender, where someone feels an attraction towards gameplay thas [sic] has 60 frames per second or more. It is a subgender to Gamegender, where a group of xenogenders feel connected or attracted to games. The feeling of a [sic] smooth and lag-free gameplay is what causes the attraction towards this gender. Any gameplay that is below the 60fps mark is basically unaesthetic to someone who identifies as a 60fps+ Gender-person."1

It was redefined as "a term for a xenogender, where someone's gender is felt like it is a 60 FPS game or video. It is a subgender to Gamegender, where a group of xenogenders feel connected or attracted to games. The feeling of a [sic] smooth and lag-free gameplay is how a person of this identity can describe it. Any gameplay that is below the 60fps mark is typically an aesthetigender to someone who identifies as a 60fps+ Gender-person."2

It was redefined again as "a term for a xenogender, where someone's gender is felt like it is a 60 FPS game or video. It is a subgender to Gamegender, where a group of xenogenders feel connected to games. The feeling of a [sic] smooth and lag-free gameplay is how a person of this identity can describe it as if they [sic] gender is smooth and clear. Any gameplay that is below the 60fps mark is typically an aesthetigender [sic] to someone who identifies as a 60fps+ Gender-person."3

It was redefined a third time as "a term for a xenogender, where someone's gender is felt like it is a 60 FPS game or video. It is a subgender to Gamegender, where a group of xenogenders feel connected to games. The feeling of a [sic] smooth and lag-free gameplay is how a person of this identity can describe it as if they [sic] gender is smooth and clear. Any gameplay that is below the 60fps mark is typically an aesthetigender [sic] to someone who identifies as a 60fps+ Gender-person."4


Coining and Definition History

60fps+gender was coined on March 18, 2021, by LGBTA Wiki user Utzinger.Gendiboy.5

It was redefined later the same day by LGBTA Wiki user Clear.Skyes.6

It was again redefined later the same day by LGBTA Wiki user Clear.Skyes.7

It was redefined the third time on the same date by LGBTA Wiki user Utzinger.Geniboy.8

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by LGBTA Wiki user Utzinger.Gendiboy on March 8, 2021.9

As of July 16, 2022, 60fps+gender doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of 60fps+gender was never posted

Suggested Pronouns

  • 60/120/144/240 (highly preferred)
  • first-person/third-person (somewhat preferred)
  • lag-he/lag-she/lag-free (somewhat preferred)10

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original 60fps+gender Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Name(s) and Definition(s)

80's-coric is a Colorgender, Feeligender, Intangigender, Musicagender, Neurogender, and Vestitigender defined as "An aesthetigender that describes oneself as encompassing the vibe of the 1980’s; the bright neon lights, the filth of the cities, the bold sense of color and dress, the unabashedly forward music, the deliberate nonconformity of the artists, and so forth.1

This is a gender one may use to describe a nonbinary sort of alignment, that is very intense and ever-present in other areas of one’s life; a gender that has no β€˜ideal’ presentation, and that was shaped partially by neurodivergence.

This may be used in conjunction with other aesthetigenders, neurogenders, or otherkind-based genders, and has no specific, singular set of pronouns attached."2


Coining and Definition History

80's-coric was coined on July 7, 2019, by Tumblr user Ferithrophic.3

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Ferithrophic on July 7, 2019.4

As of May 18, 2023, 80's-coric doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of 80's-coric was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

80's-coric doesn't have any suggested pronouns

Related Genders


Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)



Abandigender Flag 2
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Abandigender Flag 1
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Abandigender is a Feeligender, Intangigender, Locatiogender, Qualigender, and Simigender defined as "an aesthetigender in which ones gender feels similar to that of an abandoned house; could be dead/genderless or have themes of being empty and intimidating. It could also be related to the serene atmosphere and quietness within the area as well as the dust floating around, like how it would be in an attic. It could feel otherworldly, like a liminal space (it is not related to kenochoric as of now however).

Other uncreated microlabels based off abandoe could be abandoned areas such as parks, towns, castles, and other structures. It could be used as abandipark, abanditown, and so on."1


Coining and Definition History

Abandigender was coined on January 12, 2021, by LGBTA Wiki user Daccharine.2 It was originally intended as a redefinition of Abandoe.

Flag and Symbol History

The flags were made by LGBTA Wiki user Daccharine on January 11, 2021.3

As of November 7, 2022, Abandigender doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Abandigender was never posted

Suggested Pronouns

Abandigender doesn't have any suggested pronouns

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Abandigender Flag 1
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Original Abandigender Flag 2
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Abandoe Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Abandoe is a Kenochoric Locatiogender, Qualigender, and Simigender (as well as an Aesthetigender, Colorgender, Feeligender, and Objegender in the second redefinition) defined as "a gender similar to that of an abandoned house; could be dead/genderless or themes of being empty and intimidating"1

It was redefined as "a [sic] aesthetigender in which ones gender feels similar to that of an abandoned house; could be dead/genderless or have themes of being empty and intimidating."2

It was redefined again as "a gender similar to that of an abandoned house- it could feel dead/genderless or have themes of being empty and intimidating. It may also be related to Kenopsicore; dusty colors; rubble; shattered windows; and eerie vibes/feelings."3


Coining and Definition History

Abandoe was coined on June 1, 2019, by Tumblr user Wavership via by Mason's blog on Tumblr.4

It was redefined on January 7, 2021, by LGBTA Wiki user Trashwoof.5

It was redefined again on June 26, 2022, by LGBTA Wiki user Xeno Bemo.6

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Mason on Tumblr on June 1, 2019.7

As of June 8, 2022, Abandoe doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Abandoe was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

Abandoe doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Abandoe Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Abaporum Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Abaporum is an Affectagender, Feeligender, Musicagender, and Personagender defined as "a gender based on the album american beauty/american psycho by fall out boy. it’s full of love and obsessive at times. it’s the feeling of wanting someone all for yourself, of being eager to be recognized and to be known, of being hopeful while being happy with the present."1

It was redefined as "a Musicagender based around the album American Beauty/American Psycho by Fall out boy. This gender is described as "full of love and obsessive at times. it’s the feeling of wanting someone all for yourself, of being eager to be recognized and to be known, of being hopeful while being happy with the present.""2

It was redefined again as "a musica/audiogender based off the album American Beauty/American Psycho by the artist Fall Out Boy. Upon coinage of the term, it was described as "full of love and obsessive at times. it’s the feeling of wanting someone all for yourself, of being eager to be recognized and to be known, of being hopeful while being happy with the present.β€œ"3


Coining and Definition History

Abaporum was coined on December 31, 2019, by now deleted Tumblr user MOGAItime.4

It was redefined on October 24, 2020, by a user of the LGBTA Wiki account Cryptocrew.5

It was redefined again on October 24, 2020, by Tumblr user IDvault.6

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by now deleted Tumblr user MOGAItime on December 31, 2019.7

As of May 14, 2022, Abaporum doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Abaporum was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

Abaporum doesn't have any suggested pronouns

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Abaporum Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Abendine Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Abendine is a Feeligender, Fluiagender, Locatiogender, Naturengender, and Qualigender defined as "a gender related to the evening, cold air, low sun, sunsets, beaches, palm trees, and comfort. feels lukewarm, and slightly fluid."1


Coining and Definition History

Abendine was coined on April 10, 2019, by Mason on Tumblr.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Mason on Tumblr on April 10, 2019.3

As of May 14, 2022, Abendine doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Abendine was never posted

Suggested Pronouns

Abendine doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders



Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Abendine Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent
Abstract genderexpressionist

Abstract genderexpressionist Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Abstract genderexpressionist is an Affectagender, Artistiangender, Colorgender, Feeligender, Qualigender, and Visuagender defined as "someone who doesnt experience gender as a label, but more as a hodgepodge of feelings, ideas, colors, textures, etc. generally, this gender can be entirely left up to "audience interpretation" with the person preferring to have no bearing on how others perceive their gender and would rather those around them draw their own conclusions without the possibility of "wrong answers""1


Coining and Definition History

Abstract genderexpressionist was coined on or before January 21, 2020, by Tumblr user Surreal-MLM.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on January 15, 2022.3

As of May 14, 2022, Abstract genderexpressoinist doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Abstract genderexpressoinist was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

Abstract genderexpressoinist doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Original Flag, Redesigns, and symbol(s)


Original Abstract genderexpressionist Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

Acecoric Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent

This page has a content warning for usage of q###r in the coiner's name For anyone sensitive to these things, the other pages are free of any similar content.

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Acecoric is a Feeligender and Orientationgender defined as "An aesthetic, gender, or aestheticgender that revolves around pride in being asexual (including asexual spectrum people)."1


Coining History

Acecoric was coined on February 15, 2020, by Tumblr user Queercamlo.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr user Queercamlo on February 15, 2020.3

As of May 14, 2022, Acecoric doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Acecoric was never posted.

Suggested Pronouns

Acecoric doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Acecoric Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Unknown or nonexistent
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444 active pages.

Specific Kinds of Feeligenders

Coric Feeligenders

66 pages.


14 pages.

Nostalgia Feeligenders

24 pages.

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