Churchesciec Flag 2 |
Flag Meaning: The colors are supposed to be similar to the colors in the church’s logo, with some of them darkened to fit the ‘format’ of these flags. |
Churchesciec Flag 1 |
Flag Meaning: The colors are supposed to be similar to the colors in the church’s logo, with some of them darkened to fit the ‘format’ of these flags. |
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Name(s) and Definition(s)
Churchesciec is a Cultgender in the Scientology Subsystem defined as "A gender related to the Church of Scientology - Part of the Scientology Subsystem"1
Coining and Definition History
Churchesciec was coined on June 5, 2021, by Tumblr user Page-2-Ids.2
Flag and Symbol History
The flags were made by Tumblr user Page-2-Ids on June 5, 2021.3
As of May 19, 2022, Churchesciec doesn't have a symbol.
"The name is taken from church and “Scie” from “Scientology”"4
Suggested Pronouns
- AR/ARC/ARs/ARs/ARCself
- Chur/Church/Church/Churches/Churchself
- Chur/Church/Chur/Church/Churchself
- Chur/Church/Chur/Churches/Churchself
- Chur/Church/Chur/Churs/Churchself
- Church/Church/Churches/Churches/Churchself
- KR/KRC/KRs/KRs/KRCself
- S/S/Ses/Ses/Seself
- S/S/Ses/Ses/Sself
- S/S/Ss/Ss/Sself
- Scient/Scientology/Scientology/Scientologys/Scientologyself
- Scient/Scientology/Scientologys/Scientologys/Scientologyself
- Sciento/Scientology/Scientology/Scientologys/Scientologyself
- Sciento/Scientology/Scientologys/Scientologys/Scientologyself
- Scientol/Scientology/Scientology/Scientologys/Scientologyself
- Scientol/Scientology/Scientologys/Scientologys/Scientologyself
- Scientolo/Scientology/Scientology/Scientologys/Scientologyself
- Scientolo/Scientology/Scientologys/Scientologys/Scientologyself
- Scientolog/Scientology/Scientology/Scientologys/Scientologyself
- Scientolog/Scientology/Scientologys/Scientologys/Scientologyself
- Scientology/Scientology/Scientologys/Scientologys/Scientologyself
- Trian/Triangle/Triangle/Triangles/Triangleself
- Trian/Triangle/Triangles/Triangles/Triangleself
- Triangle/Triangle/Triangles/Triangles/Triangleself
- ♾/♾/♾s/♾s/♾self
- ⭐/⭐/⭐s/⭐s/⭐self5
Related Genders
This gender doesn't have any subsets
Similar or Otherwise Related Genders
Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)
Original Churchesciec Flag 1 |
Flag Meaning: The colors are supposed to be similar to the colors in the church’s logo, with some of them darkened to fit the ‘format’ of these flags. |
Original Churchesciec Flag 2 |
Flag Meaning: The colors are supposed to be similar to the colors in the church’s logo, with some of them darkened to fit the ‘format’ of these flags. |