Bedtime System

Bedtime System Flag 2
Image Unavailable
Flag meaning: Dark blue represents the night sky - Off white represents a mattress - Purplish gray represents loosing consciousness - Pink represents the comfort of your bed

Bedtime System Flag 1
Image Unavailable
Flag meaning: Dark blue represents the night sky - Off white represents a mattress - Purplish gray represents loosing consciousness - Pink represents the comfort of your bed
Table of Contents


The Bedtime System is a system of Actiogenders related to different actions/activities usually done to get ready to or after going to bed.

It's described by the coiner as "a system of genders focused around bedtime. Every gender is based off of doing something before during bedtime. This was made for anyone who feels their gender closely relates to going to bed every night and who want specific terms for different points."1


The Bedtime System and all of the terms within it were coined on October 16, 2021 by LGBTA Wiki user S0ftfuzzi3m4n.2 The system's flags were created on the same date by the same user.

The Terms

To see all the terms within the Bedtime System, see Bedtime System Genders

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