Badlands System

Badlandsalbumic Flag 2
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Flags are formatted like all the other -albumic genders I’ve seen and the colors are generally related to the album cover (maroon for the rocks, blue/aqua for her hair, dark red-ish orange for her skin, light pink for the jacket).

Badlandsalbumic Flag 1
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Flags are formatted like all the other -albumic genders I’ve seen and the colors are generally related to the album cover (maroon for the rocks, blue/aqua for her hair, dark red-ish orange for her skin, light pink for the jacket).


The Badlands System is a system of Colorgenders, Musicagenders, and Neurogenders related to Halsey's debute album, Badlands. This gender system branches off into a one subsystem and a few minisystems.

It's described by the coiner as "A system of genders related to the Badlands album by Halsey. These genders are going to be related to the songs, storylines within specific songs, specific verses/lines, etc."1


The Badlands System was coined on July 6, 2021,2 by Tumblr user Page-2-IDS, with all of its current subsystems and minisystems being coined on July 17, 2021.3

Parts of the System

The Badlands System has a few subsystems and minisystems, dividing some of the genders into more specific groups, like genders related to the specific songs or different lyrics. There's also a main part to the system, with the primary connecting thread being genders related to the album in general, rather than specific songs. To view all of the genders in the system, see All Badlands System Genders.

Badlands Main System

The main part of the Badlands System, the Badlands Main System is made up of genders that are connected to the Badlands album, without a connection to the songs, lyrics, etc.

Badlands Song Subsystem

A subsystem of genders related to specific songs on the album.4

Badlands Arrangement Minisystem

A minisystem of genders related to the actual music in the songs.5

Badlands Lyric Minisystem

A minisystem of genders related to the lyrics of the songs.6

Badlands Story Minisystem

A minisystem of genders related to the stories presented within the individual songs.7

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