Auditaeic Flag |
Flag Meaning: Colors are ones that I associate with Auditing (the concept/action instead of the word, for once) |
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Name(s) and Definition(s)
Auditaeic is an Actiogender, Belivigender, and Conceptigender in the Auditing Minisystem defined as "A gender related to Auditing, in the context of Dianetics/Scientology - Base term in the Auditing Minisystem"1
Coining and Definition History
Auditaeic was coined on June 23, 2021, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2
Flag and Symbol History
The flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on June 23, 2021.3
As of May 14, 2022, Auditaeic doesn't have a symbol.
"The name comes from Auditing"4
Suggested Pronouns
- Audi/Audit/Audit/Audits/Auditself
- Audi/Audit/Audits/Audits/Auditself
- Audit/Audit/Audits/Audits/Auditself
- Incide/Incident/Incident/Incidents/Incidentself
- Incide/Incident/Incidents/Incidents/Incidentself
- Inciden/Incident/Incident/Incidents/Incidentself
- Inciden/Incident/Incidents/Incidents/Incidentself
- Incident/Incident/Incidents/Incidents/Incidentself
- Secre/Secret/Secret/Secrets/Secretself
- Secre/Secret/Secrets/Secrets/Secretself
- Secreh/Secret/Secret/Secrets/Secretself
- Secreh/Secret/Secrets/Secrets/Secretself
- Secret/Secret/Secrets/Secrets/Secretself5
Related Genders
This gender doesn't have any subsets
Similar or Otherwise Related Genders
Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)
Original Auditaeic Flag |
Flag Meaning: Colors are ones that I associate with Auditing (the concept/action instead of the word, for once) |