What is the Aspic Gender System
The Aspic Gender System is a system of genders (varying in types) related to Homestuck aspects in some way. For more information, see Aspic Gender System
Dianetics System Genders
-aspic | |
Name(s) and Definition(s)-aspic is a Fictigender, suffix, and the umbrella term for the Aspic Gender System defined as "a gender influenced by a homestuck aspect1 […] Can be used as an overall term, Aspic, or as a specific one, like Timeaspic, or even with a fan aspect like Staraspic, it could also be referred to as the aspic gender system.2" HistoryCoining History-aspic was coined on September 1, 2020, by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow.3 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow on September 1, 2020.4 As of August 18, 2023, -aspic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of -aspic was never posted Suggested Pronouns-aspic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersN/A See AlsoGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original |
Breathaspic(1) | |
Name(s) and Definition(s)Breathaspic is an Actiogender, Conceptigender, Corpumgender, Feeligender, Fictigender, Naturengender, and Qualitusgender in the Aspic Gender System defined as "A gender that is affected by the Breath homestuck aspect. Has themes of wind, freedom, disconnect, indifference, wings/flight, flexibility, and independence. The opposite and complementary aspect of Blood, next to Hope and Life on the aspect wheel."1 HistoryCoining HistoryBreathaspic was coined on September 3, 2020, by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow on September 3, 2020.3 As of August 18, 2023, Breathaspic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Breathaspic was never posted Suggested PronounsBreathaspic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original |
Doomaspic(1) | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Doomaspic is a Conceptigender, Fictigender, Intangigender, Occurrigender, and Qualitusgender in the Aspic Gender System defined as "A gender that is affected by the Doom homestuck aspect. Has themes in injury, negetivity, [sic] caution, wisdom, acception, and limits. The opposite and complementary aspect of Life, next to Void and Blood on the aspect wheel."1 HistoryCoining HistoryDoomaspic was coined on September 3, 2020, by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow on September 3, 2020.3 As of August 18, 2023, Doomaspic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Doomaspic was never posted Suggested PronounsDoomaspic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Heartaspic(1) | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Heartaspic is an Actiogender, Affectagender, Conceptigender, Feeligender, Fictigender, Osogender, and Qualitusgender in the Aspic Gender System defined as "A gender influenced by the Heart homestuck aspect. Has themes in impulse, emotions, spirit/self, passion, showing off, confidence, and uniqueness. The opposite and complementary aspect to Mind, next to Rage and Time on the aspect wheel."1 HistoryCoining HistoryHeartaspic was coined on September 1, 2020, by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow on September 1, 2020.3 As of August 18, 2023, Heartaspic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Heartaspic was never posted Suggested PronounsHeartaspic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Hopeaspic(1) | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Hopeaspic is a Feeligender, Fictigender, Osogender, Phorigender, and Qualitusgender in the Aspic Gender System defined as "A gender influenced by the Hope homestuck aspect. Has themes in unconditional trust or love, trust, attraction, acceptance, naivety, and euphoria. The opposite and complementary aspect of Rage, next to Breath and Mind on the aspect wheel."1 HistoryCoining HistoryHopeaspic was coined on September 2, 2020, by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow on September 2, 2020.3 As of August 18, 2023, Hopeaspic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Hopeaspic was never posted Suggested PronounsHopeaspic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Lifeaspic(1) | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Lifeaspic is an Actiogender Fictigender, Floragender, Occurrigender, and Qualitusgender in the Aspic Gender System defined as "A gender that is affected by the Life homestuck aspect. Has themes in positivity, healing, growth, plants, luxury, rebellion, and youth. The opposite and complementary aspect of Doom, next to Breath and Light on the aspect wheel."1 HistoryCoining HistoryLifeaspic was coined on September 3, 2020, by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow on September 3, 2020.3 As of August 18, 2023, Lifeaspic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Lifeaspic was never posted Suggested PronounsLifeaspic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Lightaspic(1) | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Lightaspic is a Conceptigender, Fictigender, Intangigender, and Visuagender in the Aspic Gender System defined as "A gender influenced by the Light homestuck aspect. Has themes in knowledge, what is true, perception, information, purpose, and literal light. The opposite and complementary aspect to Void, next to Life and Time on the aspect wheel."1 HistoryCoining HistoryLightaspic was coined on September 2, 2020, by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow on September 2, 2020.3 As of August 18, 2023, Lightaspic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Lightaspic was never posted Suggested PronounsLightaspic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Mindaspic(1) | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Mindaspic is an Actiogender, Belivigender, Feeligender, Fictigender, Osogender, Qualitusgender, and Vestitigender in the Aspic Gender System defined as "A gender influenced by the Mind homestuck aspect. Has themes in rationality, thinking things through, unbiased opinions, apathy, blending in, disguises, and how you show yourself to the world. The opposite and complementary aspect to Heart, next to Hope and Space on the aspect wheel."1 HistoryCoining HistoryMindaspic was coined on September 1, 2020, by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow on September 1, 2020.3 As of August 18, 2023, Mindaspic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Mindaspic was never posted Suggested PronounsMindaspic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Rageaspic(1) | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Rageaspic is an Affectagender, Conceptigender, Feeligender, Fictigender, Intangigender, Occurrigender, and Osogender in the Aspic Gender System defined as "A gender influenced by the Rage homestuck aspect. Has themes in unconditional hate or fear, rejection, skepticality, [sic] criticism, doubt, fear, and negativity. The opposite and complementary aspect of Hope, next to Heart and Blood on the aspect wheel."1 HistoryCoining HistoryRageaspic was coined on September 2, 2021, by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user MOGAIcrow on September 2, 2021.3 As of August 18, 2023, Rageaspic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Rageaspic was never posted Suggested PronounsRageaspic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
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