See Also
Aesthetic Genders
Non-True Aesic Genders
True Aesic Genders
Dualkawaiiaesic | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Dualkawaiiaesic is an Aesthetigender defined as "a gender related to the Dual Kawaii aesthetic."1 HistoryCoining HistoryDualkawaiiaesic was coined on September 26, 2022, by Tumblr user Dark-Paradise-Daze.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user Dark-Paradise-Daze on September 26, 2022.3 As of September 28, 2022, Dualkawaiiaesic doesn't have a symbol. Etymology"dual kawaii, βaesicβ a suffix for aesthetic genders"4 Suggested PronounsDualkawaiiaesic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Fallenangelaesic | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Fallenangelaesic also known as Darkangelcoric and Gothangelcoric is an Aesthetigender defined as "a (xeno)gender related to the fallen angel/dark angelcore/goth angelcore aesthetic"1 HistoryCoining HistoryFallenangelaesic was coined on July 19, 2021, by Tumblr user Neopronouns, alongside an anonymous individual.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user Neopronouns on July 19, 2021.3 As of June 5, 2022, Fallenangelaesic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Fallenangelaesic was never posted Suggested PronounsFallenangelaesic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Futurefunkaesic | ||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Futurefunkaesic is an Aesthetigender defined as "A gender related to the Future Funk aesthetic"1 HistoryCoining HistoryFuturefunkaesic was coined on September 22, 2021, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on September 22, 2021.3 As of June 7, 2022, Futurefunkaesic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Futurefunkaesic was never posted Suggested PronounsFuturefunkaesic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related Genders
GalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original |
Ganjaaesic | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Ganjaaesic is an Aesthetigender and Drogegender defined as "A gender related to the ganja aesthetic"1 HistoryCoining HistoryGanjaaesic was coined on August 9, 2021, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs on August 9, 2021.3 As of June 7, 2023, Ganjaaesic doesn't have a symbol. Etymology"Names are pretty much [name of aesthetic] + aesic"4 Suggested PronounsGanjaaesic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Ghibliaesic | |||||||
Name(s) and Definition(s)Ghibliaesic is an Aesthetigender defined as "a gender connected to the aesthetics of the worlds shown in Studio Ghibli films it feels peaceful, and ethereal"1 HistoryCoining HistoryGhibliaesic was coined on April 17, 2022, by Tumblr blog MOGAI-Place.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr blog MOGAI-Place on April 17, 20222.3 As of June 7, 2022, Ghibliaesic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Ghibliaesic was never posted Suggested PronounsGhibliaesic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersN/A GalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original
Glowspaceaesic | |
Name(s) and Definition(s)Glowspaceaesic is an Objegender defined as "a gender related to glow in the dark space objects! this is a catch all term for any space object: stars, planets, constellations, etc!"1 HistoryCoining and Definition HistoryGlowspaceaesic was coined on September 16, 2022, by Reddit user u/Gracegarthok.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flags were made by Reddit user u/Gracegarthok on September 16, 2022.3 As of September 16, 2022, Glowspaceaesic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Glowspaceaesic was never posted. Suggested Pronouns
Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original |
Glowstaraesic | |
Name(s) and Definition(s)Glowstaraesic is an Objegender defined as "a gender related to glow in the dark stars you typically put on your ceiling!"1 HistoryCoining and Definition HistoryGlowstaraesic was coined on September 16, 2022, by Reddit user u/Gracegarthok.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flags were made by Reddit user u/Gracegarthok on September 16, 2022.3 As of September 16, 2022, Glowstaraesic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Glowstaraesic was never posted. Suggested Pronouns
Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original |
Glowstickaesic(1) | |
Name(s) and Definition(s)Glowstickaesic is an Aesthetigender and Visuagender defined as "a gender connected to the aesthetic of glowsticks "1 HistoryCoining and Definition HistoryGlowstickaesic was coined on April 26, 2022, by Tumblr blog MOGAI-Place.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr blog MOGAI-Place on April 26, 2022.3 As of June 7, 2022, Glowstickaesic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Glowstickaesic was never posted. Suggested PronounsGlowstickaesic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original |
Glowstickaesic(2) | |
Name(s) and Definition(s)Glowstickaesic is an Aesthetigender and Visuagender defined as "for when your gender is related to the aesthetic of glowsticks!!"1 HistoryCoining and Definition HistoryGlowstickaesic was coined on May 1, 2022, by Tumblr user Starrygender.2 Flag and Symbol HistoryThe flag was made by Tumblr user Starrygender on May 1, 2022.3 As of June 7, 2022, Glowstickaesic doesn't have a symbol. EtymologyThe etymology of Glowstickaesic was never posted. Suggested PronounsGlowstickaesic doesn't have any suggested pronouns. Related GendersSubsetsThis gender doesn't have any subsets Similar or Otherwise Related GendersGalleryOriginal Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)Original |
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