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Welcome to Genderpedia, a soon-to-be comprehensive resource of MOGAI genders, from 2000 to present. This website currently has pages for over 3500 genders! This site is run by the moderators from and is associated with the Tumblr blog

Some flags that are hidden in blocks could cause eyestrain and/or seizures for some users. Please don't view them if that could be an issue for you. There are also flags that are hidden due to containing common triggers. Any pages that have flags that are hidden due to triggers rather than eyestrain have the content of the flag mentioned in the content warning.

At the moment, we don't have a system for giving warnings for terms with slurs or other common non-slur triggers in the name. If that could cause an issue, please proceed at your own risk.

The search function on the site is also somewhat broken, it's just a Wikidot thing and there isn't anything we can do about it, so it's often easier to just change the URL to wiki:[whatever you're looking for] and enter that than to search for anything.
Final note: We do not do sexualities/orientations. This is purely an archive for Neogenders, inherently related things (gender natures, suffixes, etc.), and notable coiners/blogs. That's it.

Check out some pages!

Notable List Pages

To see a list of all our gender, prefix, suffix, gender nature, and gender quality pages, see All MOGAI Gender Terms

To see a list of all of our gender, prefix, and suffix pages, see All MOGAI Genders

To see a list of all of the umbrella terms we use to categorize terms, see In-Use Umbrella Terms

To see all of our list pages, see List Pages

To see genders that start with a specific letter, see Genders by the Alphabet

To see all of our wiki pages (basically excluding admin, website upkeep, etc. pages), see All Pages

Random Gender System Page

Revision System

Table of Contents


The Revision System, also known as the Revision Project, is a system of various types of genders meant to recoin terms that misuse suffixes in such a way that they don't anymore.

It's described by the coiner as "So, as a follow up to my last post, we have the Revision System. This is a system of genders/community project dedicated to functionally recoining terms that misuse suffixes to any degree in a way that fixes that.
This can be coining versions that use the suffix correctly, coining versions with new names (using suffixes that fit or just generic stuff like -ic), just really whatever.
You can change the definition, keep it functionally [sic] the same, anything that fits is good."1


The Revision System was coined on December 31, 2021, by Tumblr user Page-2-IDs. The first two within the system, two recoins of Kanagawacoric, were coined later the same day.2

The Terms

To view all of the genders in the system, see Revision System Genders

Random Gender


Cismascish Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Blues: masculinity, relation to being cisgender
Magenta: not fitting cisgender genders

Name(s) and Definition(s)

Cismascish is a Neogender and umbrella term defined as "An umbrella term for when your gender is cisgender and masculine, but not completely."1


Coining History

Cismascish was coined on October 20, 2022, by Tumblr blog Blurred-Pride.2

Flag and Symbol History

The flag was made by Tumblr blog Blurred-Pride on October 20, 2022.3

As of October 20, 2022, Cismascish doesn't have a symbol.


The etymology of Cismascish was never posted

Suggested Pronouns

Cismascish doesn't have any suggested pronouns.

Related Genders


This gender doesn't have any subsets

Similar or Otherwise Related Genders


Original Flag, Redesigns, and Symbol(s)


Original Cismascish Flag
Image Unavailable
Flag Meaning: Blues: masculinity, relation to being cisgender
Magenta: not fitting cisgender genders

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